What's the situation?
Our teams were made aware of some issues with certain purchased items not being granted correctly to user's accounts after the purchase was completed for iOS (Apple) and Android devices. We have released a few updates to correct these issues going forward.
Update: November 11, 2023 | Version 0.8.0
We have continued to see a few reports of this issue. Our team has recently released an additional update to Nitro Nation World Tour, and we recommend that all users update to this version as soon as possible, and continue to keep your app up-to-date to ensure that the latest bug fixes are applied to the NNWT app.
Update: October 10, 2023 | Version 0.7.2
We've just launched a new version (0.7.2) of the Nitro Nation World Tour app that is currently being rolled out globally. This update primarily targets the purchasing issues, especially those related to users who have experienced problems with their Tier Crates/Starter Packs not being properly credited.
Please keep in mind that this update doesn't resolve Tier Crate/Starter Pack purchase issues that occurred prior to the 0.7.2 update, but should prevent similar issues from happening in the future.
If the 0.7.2 update is available in your region, we recommend downloading the latest version of the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Troubleshooting for General iOS (Apple) and Android Purchase Issues
iOS (Apple) Devices (Restore Purchases Method)
- Navigate to the Apple App Store and make sure that Nitro Nation World Tour is updated to the newest version. (The app will need to be updated to/on version 0.7.1+ for this fix to apply properly.)
- Once updated, launch the game and navigate to your Settings (gear ⚙ icon on your game home screen) and tap the "Restore Purchases" button
- Close out of the game and reload it. You should be able to see your missing purchases after reloading.
Android Devices
To troubleshoot this issue on your Android device, please be sure to navigate to the Google Play Store and make sure that Nitro Nation World Tour is updated to the newest version.
(The app will need to be updated to/on version 0.7.1+ for this fix to apply properly. Please also note that there is not a "Restore Purchases" option for Android devices, so we recommend checking your inventory after the app has been updated.)
Tier Crate Purchases
We've received reports of some users encountering problems with Tier Crate/Starter Pack purchases not being applied correctly to their accounts. Version 0.7.2 update has been designed to fix these issues for future purchases, but it won't address any problems related to Tier Crate/Starter Pack purchases made before this update.
While it's unlikely that the above steps will resolve Tier Crate/Starter Pack purchase issues for version 0.7.1 or earlier, we recommend following the troubleshooting steps above just in case, as well as updating to the latest version of the app (once it's available in your region) to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.
If you are still experiencing problems with Tier Crate/Starter Pack purchases not crediting to your account after updating to the latest version of the app, or if you're missing Tier Crate/Starter Pack purchases from prior to this most recent update, please follow the instructions below to contact our Support team for further assistance.
Purchases (Including Tier Crates) Still Missing After Updating?
NNWT Username
- Your NNWT Player Username can be found in Settings (⚙) > Mythical ID under the center of the screen. This username will start with the word "Player-" and then a string of numbers and letters.
- Mythical Account email address (if your account is linked)
- Game version number (located in the upper left-hand corner of your settings screen)
- Exact name of the item(s) still missing as it appears in-game
- Date(s) of the purchase(s)
Receipt(s) of your purchase(s) from your Google Play or Apple App Store purchase history
- Please attach a screenshot of this to your reply, clearly showing the iOS (Apple) or Google Play Order ID(s) and the item name(s) on the receipt