We've received a few reports from users regarding an issue where Division Rewards are not being granted at the end of a race. The good news is that our team recently released a patch in version 0.7.2 that addresses this issue, and we recommend that all users update to this version of the game as soon as possible.
If you have experienced issues with not receiving your Division Rewards (or are still experiencing issues with this after updating to version 0.7.2), please contact our Support team with the following information so that we may better assist you with this issue:
NNWT Username
- Your NNWT Player Username can be found in Settings (⚙) > Mythical ID under the center of the screen. This username will start with the word "Player-" and then a string of numbers and letters.
- Mythical Account email address (if your account is linked)
- Which division were you promoted to?
- What rewards are you missing?
- A screenshot of the Division/rewards if possible